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1 December 2021 (17:00 - 18:30)

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Public Lecture: Quantum Communications and Information Security

Find yourself asking ‘what are quantum communications, and what implications will this new technology have for information security?’. Quantum technologies are new disruptive technologies in which fundamental aspects of quantum physics are instrumental in providing advantages over the conventional technology counterparts. Examples include quantum computing, sensing, imaging and communications.

During this public lecture, Hub Director, Professor Tim Spiller, will briefly outline examples and illustrate their “quantum advantage”, before discussing quantum communications in more detail. He’ll give a short overview of what is being pursued in the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, and then expand on the technologies being delivered by the Quantum Communications Hub. This talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

This event is part of the 2021-2022 season of free public lectures for people with an interest in science. The events are organised by Portsmouth and District Physical Society in partnership with the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Portsmouth.

If you have any questions please contact the organiser:

Dr Vincenzo Tamma
Chair of the Portsmouth of Portsmouth & District Physical Society and University of Portsmouth Physics public talk committee, and Reader in the School of Mathematics and Physics.

Email: vincenzo.tamma@port.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)23 9284 2452

Register to attend

Location: Online

Important information

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Quantum Communications Hub (2014-2024). The project is now complete but you can still explore all our resources on this website. You can also download our legacy report through this link

Information on the Hub’s SPOQC quantum cubesat mission, scheduled to launch in 2025, can be accessed in this section, but please note that this website will no longer be updated with new content. Information around the launch of the mission will be publicised through press releases.