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October 26, 2020

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Hub to exhibit at virtual UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase 2020

The UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase, which has been an annual fixture in the industry calendar since 2015, is taking place virtually on Friday 6 November 2020.

The Showcase, which is being hosted by the Knowledge Transfer Network in collaboration with Innovate UK, aims to highlight the expertise, capabilities and advances of quantum technologies in the UK and its real-world impact, along with the progress made so far in the second phase of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme.

Each year previously, the event has seen over 700 delegates from industry, government and media attend to discover the latest developments in quantum and the impact that the technologies will have across multiple sectors including: civil engineering, communications, defence & security, finance, healthcare, space and transport, to name just a few. It is expected that, thanks to the virtual nature of the Showcase, there will be a wider, global audience this year.

The Quantum Communications Hub will be exhibiting at the virtual Showcase, highlighting recent breakthroughs and giving demonstrations of some of our prototype technologies. The Hub will have three virtual stands:

  • Quantum Communications Hub: Central Gateway (with links to virtual booths)
  • Quantum Communications Hub: Consumer Quantum Key Distribution
  • Quantum Communications Hub: Quantum Random Number Generators

The Hub will also have two virtual booths in the agenda. Within the booths, technical demonstrations of some of our technologies will be taking place, information on these can be found below:

Quantum Communications Hub demonstrations – part 1 – core technologies​: 

Consumer Quantum Key Distribution: 

For quantum communications to be commercialised for consumer use, quantum keys need to be distributed to personal handheld devices, through short-range free-space (i.e. without fibre). At the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase, Hub partners – the Universities of Oxford and Bristol – will be showcasing the latest prototype version of a handheld QKD system, which will enable free-space QKD transmissions between consumers and institutions to be undertaken.

Quantum Networking:

Given the serious cybersecurity threats imposed by major advances in quantum computing, there is a growing need to incorporate new security technologies into fibre networks. Quantum network technologies offer solutions to this problem. At the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase, our Hub partner – the University of Bristol – will be showing prototype technologies for an entanglement-based network and highlighting recent developments on the UK Quantum Network.

Quantum Communications Hub demonstrations – part 2 – funded collaborations and partnerships:

Quantum Random Number Generators:

Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) are essential components for quantum-secured communications systems and could become the prevailing method to generate random numbers for cryptography. Certification is a prerequisite to deployment, but an authoritative method to assess the unique randomness produced by QRNGs does not currently exist. At the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase, Hub partners – NPL and the University of York – will be showcasing the assessment of a QRNG. The method, a physical assessment of the device, can be the basis for certifying all types of QRNGs.

Satellite QKD Ground-Based Receivers:

Satellite Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) addresses distance limitations of fibre for sending keys to users over long distances. Such distribution requires ground-based systems – receivers attached to optical ground stations – from which keys may be forwarded for use. At the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase, Hub partner – the University of York – will be showcasing a prototype receiver for a free-space QKD system.

Quantum Communication with CubeSats – video coming soon

Using satellites for Quantum Key Distribution is a proven way to overcome distance limits and provide quantum secure communication on a global scale. Our low cost Cube Satellite approach, along with a mobile optical ground station, is designed to optimise coverage across the UK and provide cost effective secure keys.

In order to visit our stands and booths and see the demonstrations for yourself, register to attend the Showcase. Once registered, you will also have the opportunity to make appointments with Hub colleagues and partners. We look forward to seeing you there!

Important information

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Quantum Communications Hub (2014-2024). The project is now complete but you can still explore all our resources on this website. You can also download our legacy report through this link

Information on the Hub’s SPOQC quantum cubesat mission, scheduled to launch in 2025, can be accessed in this section, but please note that this website will no longer be updated with new content. Information around the launch of the mission will be publicised through press releases.