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Home>Latest Research>Entanglement distribution quantum networking within deployed telecommunications fibre-optic infrastructure

January 11, 2023

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Entanglement distribution quantum networking within deployed telecommunications fibre-optic infrastructure

Clark MJ, Alia O, Wang R, Bahrani S, Peranić M, Aktas D, Kanellos GT, Loncaric M, Samec Ž., Radman A, Stipcevic M, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D, Rarity JG, Joshi SK. “Entanglement distribution quantum networking within deployed telecommunications fibre-optic infrastructure”, Proceedings Volume 12335, Quantum Technology: Driving Commercialisation of an Enabling Science III; 123350E, 2023. DOI: 10.1117/12.2645095

Quantum networks have been shown to connect users with full-mesh topologies without trusted nodes. We present advancements on our scalable polarisation entanglement-based quantum network testbed, which has the ability to perform protocols beyond simple quantum key distribution. Our approach utilises wavelength multiplexing, which is ideal for quantum networks across local metropolitan areas due to the ease of connecting additional users to the network without increasing the resource requirements per user. We show a 10 user fully connected quantum network with metropolitan scale deployed fibre links, demonstrating polarisation stability and the ability to generate secret keys over a period of 10.8 days with a network wide average-effective secret key rate of 3.38 bps.

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