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Home>Latest Research>Exchange-Free Computation on an Unknown Qubit at a Distance

August 10, 2020

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Exchange-Free Computation on an Unknown Qubit at a Distance

By Hatim Salih, Jonte R. Hance, Will McCutcheon, Terry Rudolph, John Rarity

Submitted to arXiv on 3 August 2020.

The generalisation of counterfactual communication – where classical information is sent without exchanging particles (exchange-free) – to sending quantum information, poses significant experimental challenges. Here, we show how to directly communicate an arbitrary qubit, not only exchange-free but also without the sender having to implement a quantum object locally, paving the way for a much more feasible future demonstration. More remarkably, we propose an exchange-free protocol that allows one party to directly enact, by means of a suitable program, any computation on a remote second party’s unknown qubit, without any particles travelling between them.

Read the whole paper here.

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