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Home>Latest Research>High spectro-temporal purity single-photons from silicon micro-racetrack resonators using a dual-pulse configuration

High spectro-temporal purity single-photons from silicon micro-racetrack resonators using a dual-pulse configuration

Ben Burridge, Imad I. Faruque, John Rarity, Jorge Barreto.

Submitted to arXiv on 27 Apr 2020.

Single-photons with high spectro-temporal purity are an essential resource for quantum photonic technologies. The highest reported purity up until now from a conventional silicon photonic device is 92% without any spectral filtering. We have experimentally generated and observed single-photons with 98.0+-0.3 % spectro-temporal purity using a conventional micro racetrack resonator and an engineered dual pump pulse.

Read the whole paper here.

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