E. Almaraz Luengo, M. Leiva Cerna, L.J. García Villalba, D. Hurley-Smith, J. Hernandez-Castro. “Sensitivity and uniformity in statistical randomness tests”. In: Journal of Information Security and Applications 70: 103322 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2022.103322
In this paper we propose a new measure of the sensitivity of a statistical test . This can be applied to any of the common statistical batteries (NIST SP 800-22, Dieharder, TestU01, ENT, all FIPS versions, etc.) We will validate its use with the FIPS 140-2 battery. In addition, we will apply this new measure to other statistical tests, including tests of independence and uniformity. The latter leads to a new test battery, not previously seen in the literature to the best of our knowledge, that can be very powerful as a sequence checking tool. This new proposal is later tested to judge its potential as a battery for cryptographic use.